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Taurus The Bull

Taurus Astrological Symbol: The head of a bull
April 21 to May 21

When the Sun entered the sign Taurus, people started harnessing their oxen. Slowly, methodically, they plowed the earth into beautiful and practical rows, and planted the seeds they had prudently saved from last year. How well they had planned and saved their resources from the past year determined the production of that year. They prayed for fertility as the warmer weather allowed them to enjoy the sensuous sights, sounds and smells of a re-awakening earth.

Like the planet Earth, Taurus is productive, strong, dependable, patient, slow, practical, generous when treated well and stubbornly furious when pushed to far. The part of the body ruled by Taurus is the neck and voice. People born during the time of Taurus function best through concentration and stubborn adherence to a preconceived plan.

The Challenge of Being A Taurus
People born under the sign of Taurus share a lot in common with their symbol, the Bull. Although they are usually patient and gentle, when pushed too far, a Taurian can become like a bull tormented by a toreador's cape. Angry or not, they are so set on their goal that they can see little or nothing else. In fact, they sometimes think they must be equally set on the way they will accomplish their mission.

Taurians seem to be able to cope with just about anything that gets in their way. In fact, many people born under the sign of Taurus are sources of mystery and awe to their friends because no one except a Taurus will exert the energy necessary to put up with a situation most other signs would just walk away from. But Taurians don't even like to walk around a situation let alone walk away from one. Meeting challenging situations requiring patience and endurance is how they prove their abilities to themselves and those around them.

Taurians get the material comforts they need and overcome obstacles by exerting their immense power in a sustained and methodical manner, no matter who or what tries to make them give up on their efforts or even deviate from their plan. They function best when they are able to concentrate and stick to a preconceived plan, especially when they know their reward will be pleasure and luxury.

The reason why Taurians are sometimes not as determined, patient, and comfortably well off as they wish they were is because people do not arrive in the world already experts in the things their sun sign is known for. They have come into this world with the challenge of the astrological sign Taurus because they want to learn how to be determined, patient, comfortably well off or wealthy, and how to cope with everything those things require.

If Taurians really want to possess what they desire, they must learn to include in their plan to achieve their goal at least some room for flexibility and change because sometimes the best way to get what they want is to modify and adjust their plan of attack to the circumstances in which they find themselves. It is not enough to be a stubborn bull if you want to be a successful one.

Taurians will often stubbornly cling to a plan, a belief, or a person even when all the evidence points to the fact that it would be best to change that plan and belief or not see that person anymore. The reason is their fear of giving up, being proved wrong, and wasting their time. There is also the fear of having to face the unpredictable unknown and go through the struggle of coming up with a new plan, finding a new person, and having to learn a whole new way to proceed that is often strong enough to cause Taurians to stay when they should go, and to fight when they should switch.

Taurians are, by nature, very resistant to listening to any advice that they think is not in agreement with the plan they have already decided on. That could include the advice contained here in The Enchanted Astrologer. What good is advice if a person has already decided that what he or she believes to be the way is the only way? There is a saying; "There are none so blind as those who will not see." You do not have to make big changes, but you do have to be open to change, such as to the suggestions in this book. Remember, change is the evidence of the existence of life.

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