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Cancer The Crab

Cancer Astrological Symbol: A crab
June 22 to July 23

The ancient astrologers chose a crab, or sometimes a turtle, to symbolize the time of the Sun's passage through the sign Cancer, as their shells can be seen as a house. At that time of the year the home, and consequently the mother, became the center of attention. There were home repairs and improvements to be made, usually at mother's direction. The early harvests were prepared for both eating and storage in the real center of every home, the kitchen. And there was that most precious gift, the mothering needed to nurture and protect the lives and feelings of a family living through the long, eventful summer. It takes not only unconditional love, but also the ability to be in touch with feelings and intuitions to make a house a safe home.

Cancer rules our roots; mothering; nurturing; security; caution; feelings; intuition; emotions; land and our home. This close attachment to home and family gives rise to Cancer's association with the past. The parts of the body ruled by Cancer are the lungs, breasts, and stomach. People born during the time of Cancer function best when they, themselves, feel secure.

The Challenge of Being a Cancer
Those born under the astrological sign Cancer are well known for their ability to nurture others. They are especially sensitive to the ways people communicate their feelings and can be easily affected when there are bad feelings affecting those they care about. In fact, learning about feelings and the moods they produce are an important part of being a Cancer. In astrology, the Moon is considered a planet and associated with the sign Cancer. The Moon's ever-changing shape and its effect on the constantly shifting ocean tides is like our ever-changing moods, though the Moon's shape is a lot more predictable.

The past is very important to Cancerians. Their family history is especially so, either as a source of pride or as a painful experience affecting them as if it had just happened. Either way, they will always want to relate what is going on in the present moment to something they have known in the past. By sticking with what is familiar or relating the new to what they already feel familiar with, they are able to feel secure.

The symbol for Cancer is the crab. Feeling insecure makes them want to withdraw into their own version of a crab's protective shell.

The reason why Cancerians are sometimes not as secure, sensitive, and nurturing as they wish they were is because people do not arrive in the world already experts in the things their sun sign is known for. They have come into this world with the challenge of the astrological sign Cancer because they want to learn how to be secure, sensitive, and nurturing.

Cancerians are legendary for their ability to nurture people and projects along, for they sense the needs of others on an emotional level. However, it is important that they remember that meeting their own emotional needs is just as important. Often, they have to be able to nurture themselves, for they are so good at nurturing others that others forget how Cancerians, too, need nurturing.

When feeling emotionally secure, there is no one who is more giving than a Cancer. However, when Cancerians feel emotionally insecure, they are totally unable to give and this can confuse those who have come to depend on them. Being shy, especially at those vulnerable times, a Cancerian would be reluctant to tell anyone of his needs for fear that those who he cares for would let him down. A Cancerian would be able to forgive a person who was unable to be there for her at a critical time, but she would never forget what had happened.

Cancerians are often affected by the time of day they decide to do something. Plans made at night become harder to make real in the daytime and vice versa. If they find themselves forgetting to put the plans of last night into practice the next day, they must be as patient and forgiving of themselves as they would be with the mistakes made by a child learning and growing.

Before anyone can help others, she or he has to feel secure. The first rule of warfare is "make your base secure." Without a good foundation no home will last very long.

Cancerians would do well to remember that they may not be as strong as those around them think they are, but they are certainly strong enough to do what has to be done to make their dreams come true. They must resist withdrawing into their shell if they start to feel insecure. Their usual courage, patience, and gentle energy are more than they will need to make their life what they will.

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