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Virgo The Virgin

Virgo Astrological Symbol: A woman with a shaft of wheat
August 24 to September 23

By the time Virgo rolled around, even the most fun-loving person couldn't deny that the crops were ready for harvest. The work to be done was analyzed in detail and realization of the work not done during the time of Leo fueled worries about the time needed to get all jobs done perfectly. Close attention was paid to the logical and most efficient techniques necessary to produce maximum results. Both weeding by hand and natural insect repellents were necessary to ensure the health of the mature plants and thereby the people and their livestock.

Virgo has come to be associated with analysis; attention to detail; handcrafts; worry; hygiene and health in general; food; labor and suffering through what must be done. The part of the body ruled by Virgo is the intestines because of their ability to analyze and digest food. People born during the time of Virgo function best when their genius for criticism is used constructively.

The Challenge of Being a Virgo
Virgo is the astrological sign associated with the myriad details of life. Virgos like to get things done. It is as if they are driven to perform useful acts to the best of their ability at all times, no matter how big or small the task. Virgos are very careful and methodical in everything they do because they value order and neatness. When involved with people or situations that are messy or disorganized, they will probably find themselves irritable and unable to apply themselves to the task at hand in their customarily efficient manner.

The symbol for Virgo is a young, virginal woman. This symbolizes the value placed by Virgos on purity of mind and body. In a way, they are always young, trying to learn all they can, and learning the way a young person would.

Developing their skill and confidence in themselves as hardworking people is more important to them than the praise of the crowd. However, they are not machines, and Virgos do need some thoughtful words of encouragement from those with whom they work and work for. A pat on the back and appreciation for a job well done will usually satisfy them more than fame or money.

The lesson for Virgos to learn is that there is an important reason why they are not as useful, skillful, and perfect as they wish they were. They have come into this world with the astrological sign Virgo because they want to learn the best way possible to be useful, skillful, and the best that they can be. Not perfect, but the best that they can be.

Many Virgos do not realize they are perfectionists of the highest order. Why? Because they feel that if they really were perfectionists, they would be much closer to perfection than they are! It goes to show what perfectionists Virgos can be.

The lesson for Virgos also involves the sign's legendary tendency to over-analyze and worry about things. Worry is actually a combination of two fears resulting from the very process of analysis. To analyze anything, you have to know as much as you can about it. However, to analyze a living person or an ongoing situation you are never going to have all the information you would like to have. The first fear that produces worry is that you do not have enough information to fully understand a situation. The second fear is that you will not be able to deal with the consequences of a situation unless you fully understand it and can predict what is going to happen.

When Virgos use The Enchanted Astrologer, they must avoid letting their tendency to worry about how things are going to turn out influence them too strongly. They have to suspend their tendency to criticize what they are going to be reading and hold it up to some impossible standard of perfection.

If they really want to be as practical as most Virgos would like to be, then they must realize that they will use their gift for criticism in a constructive way by waiting to use it until they have first listened to and absorbed the information they receive. They must stay out of their own way and not let their tendency to focus on some minor imperfection prevent them from hearing another part of their message that proves to be the key to help them unlock the door to life's glorious bounty.

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