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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte FarberAstrology - Your Future Predicted
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The North and South Nodes of the Moon

The North and South Nodes of the Moon are not regular planets, though they do move on a daily basis through the zodiac. They are the points where the line described by the Moon's orbit intersects the 'ecliptic', which is the line described by the apparent yearly path of the Sun through the stars of the zodiac.

Fortunately, the meaning of the North and South Nodes of the Moon when used in The Enchanted Astrologer are much easier to understand.

THE NORTH NODE, whose symbol looks like headphones, is the "Big Green Light." If you think that it also looks like a lucky horseshoe, you're right! When it comes up in The Enchanted Astrologer, you can breathe easily. You are doing what you should be doing and everything is going to work out if you continue your present plan of action and even if you've been doing nothing!

THE SOUTH NODE, which looks like headphones worn under the chin, is the "Big Red Light." When it comes up in The Enchanted Astrologer, stop, look, listen and remember. Some astrologers say that the South Node represents bad karma, but that is a limited and fairly negative view. Karma is more than "bad" things happening to you because of what you've done. Karma is the work that you have decided you must do in order to feel good about yourself. When the South Node comes up, it is a reminder that you may be going against what you know are your own best interests.

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