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The Second and Twelfth Houses

The Second and Twelfth Houses derive their meaning from the First House

The First House is the most personal house of all. Both the Second House, which is the slice of pizza below the First House, and the Twelfth House, which is the slice above the First House, represent other mundane, or worldly, areas of life that are strictly personal.

The Second House
The Second House derives its meaning from that of the First House

While The First House is related to 'you and how you project yourself into the world', the Second House is connected to Everything valuable to you that helps project yourself into the world.

This means Money and all other tangible, physical, movable property — but it's more than that. It's Your sense of values; what you hold dear. It's what you want, what you need, and, most important, Your beliefs about what you want and need. Your beliefs about what you have, want and need are important because they have a tremendous influence on how you feel and act in practically every situation in your life. Changing your beliefs in these areas can have a powerful and far-reaching effect on the circumstances of your life.

Many metaphysical writers through the ages have maintained that we create our own reality with our beliefs. recently, the late Jane Roberts, and Seth, the spirit who spoke through her, made a very convincing case for the theory that we all, individually and collectively, literally design and manufacture not only the circumstances of our lives but also the physical surroundings that we encounter each moment! If this idea interests you, I suggest that you read some of the Seth books by Jane Roberts. But if it sounds impossible, I ask you to reflect on the many ways in which your beliefs about what is valuable to you have had a profound and fundamental influence on your behavior and the circumstances that have resulted from your behavior.

The sign on the cusp of your Second House, as well as any planets that 'live' there, can tell you a lot about your sense of values and Your capacity for making money (which is a result of that sense of values). The planets and sign can also symbolize how you feel about Possessions and both your own and the concept of 'possessions' in general. How you feel about possessions will relate directly to What you do with what you have and What you'll do to get what you want. Whether you have a lot of money or want to have a lot, it pays to look at your Second House for a fresh view of how you feel about the concept of 'possessions' in general. You may find that what has been stopping you from feeling truly content doesn't have as much to do with 'how much you own' as it does with how you feel about how much you own, and indeed, 'owning' in general. Realizing that you may feel negatively about people who have a lot of possessions might explain why you won't allow your Self to create a reality in which you are a wealthy person.

The Twelfth House
The Twelfth House also derives its meaning from that of the First House

While the First House represents 'the outer you' and 'how you project yourself into the world', the Twelfth House is even more personal. The Twelfth House represents The inner you and How you don't want to project yourself into the world. The First House is 'the you that you want to be and be known as' while the Twelfth House is The you that you don't want to be known as!

Traditional astrologers have often called the Twelfth House 'The house of secret fears, secret enemies and our self-undoing', and the origin of this is obvious. Any person who is not aware that we all have an aspect of self-doubt to our personalities and, to make matters worse, dwells too much on their own self-doubts, acts in a weakened, self-defeating manner that creates suspicious enemies along the way.

This does not mean that every person with a planet in the Twelfth House acts in such a manner. It does indicate that there is an added, usually hidden, dimension to this person's personality, the exact nature of which is symbolized by the qualities associated with that planet.

The Twelfth House has come to be associated with all Things that tend to negate our ego. Some Religions and other Large institutions in which individuals have only a small part, such as Government, The military, Large corporations, Hospitals, Prisons are Twelfth House matters. It rules The studio, rather than the stage, and emphasizes The need for privacy.

Since the horizon line divides the First and Twelfth Houses, a person born with the Sun in the Twelfth House would be born just after sunrise; a quiet, gentle, beautiful time. This could be described ash the perfect time for all solitary pursuits, and especially meditation. It is a time when all things are united in the process of transition between worlds and from the world of darkness into light, as well as from the world of dreams to the waking world and a time of mists and dew, when nothing seems quite real. The Twelfth House has come to be associated with Mysticism and Faith born out of the miracle of a new day. This faith unites us with All-There-Is and makes us more willing to Forgive and Sacrifice, adding the concept of Philanthropy and Charity to the Twelfth House.

As a result of this association with the first light of day, the Twelfth House also symbolizes The early years of life, approximately the first seven, that are usually hidden in the Subconscious (which is also ruled by the Twelfth House). Many psychologists consider these years crucial to later life and many therapies are designed to increase awareness of that time. The sign and planets associated with our Twelfth House can symbolize the major theme of those early years and provide insights into the nature of the effect on later life, whether desirable or undesirable.

The Twelfth House is ruled by the planet Neptune, and the sign Pisces.

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