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The Ninth and Eleventh Houses

The Ninth and Eleventh Houses derive their meaning from the Tenth House

The Tenth House cusp, the Mid-heaven, is the highest point in a horoscope. It is what we aspire to and our goals or ambitions, and our career. It's the path up the mountain of our personal definition of success.

In astrology, the Tenth House cusp has been represented as the 'fatherly' role of guiding the child into the world, but it is more accurate to say that the Mid-heaven symbolizes all Authority Figures that influence and guide us personally to attain our goals. These Authority Figures usually have such great significance in our lives that their influence is absorbed and incorporated into our most basic beliefs about attaining our goals whether we like it or not. Usually,this happens because the influence of the Tenth House figure is felt from earliest childhood. Even in the instances where the Mid-heaven does not represent the way we experience our parents, the person who is symbolized by the Tenth House cusp becomes enormously significant because they are filling up that most important void.

But what if our experience of the person symbolized by our Mid-heaven has been less than ideal? That just means that both you and that person are human. You're both trying to do the best you can, learning from your experiences as well as from the experiences of others.

Both the Ninth House and the Eleventh House symbolize experiences regarding the influence of people other than the person symbolized by your Mid-heaven; people whose main function in your life is to help you understand what your goals are and help you attain them. These people will either reinforce, or help you, undo the influence of the person symbolized by your Mid-heaven.

The Ninth House
The Ninth House derives its meaning from the Tenth House

While the authority figures symbolized by the Tenth House derive and exercise their power through personal interaction, the Ninth House symbolizes The authority of concepts and ideas that are respected by the world.

When a Tenth House Authority Figure tries to influence us, there are usually other factors involved that require us to consider this influence seriously. But the influence of a Ninth House authority is important because we know it has made an impression on others and so we will seek it out.

We may have heard about the Philosophy of this Ninth House source because of another Ninth House process, The widespread dissemination of knowledge.

This brings Publishing and Broadcasting under the heading of Ninth House activities. These concepts could be twisted to represent Propaganda, unless we use our Higher mind (our ability to see the 'forest' and not just the 'trees'), so that we may Discriminate between what is being presented to us as Truth and What we know to be true. For this reason, the Ninth House has come to be associated with Higher learning, including both the Teaching process involved, as well as the Knowledge that is conveyed.

The Ninth House image of Wise judgment of a respected authority leads to the concepts of Justice and Law. But Justice and Law must exist within the framework of the culture that gives rise to their existence. Customs must be considered when framing laws or else the laws will be disobeyed. The combination of customs and philosophy results in Religion. But at the core of all religions are the Spiritual values that were put into words by the founder/philosophers who tried to best explain the nature of God. Quite a task.

It's easy to see why travel that expands your understanding of the world and your place in it is a Ninth House affair. Travel can be viewed as the other end of broadcasting and instead of the world coming to you, you go out and see the world. The world will also observe and interact with you as you encounter new customs and philosophies of life.

And so the Ninth House enables you to form goals that are not solely based on the influence of personal experience and teachings. The Perspective allowed by the Ninth House offers us the opportunity to step outside of your individual self and view the world a little more the way God might 'see' it, with Tolerance and Appreciation for the differences of others.

The Ninth House is ruled by the planet Jupiter and the sign Sagittarius.

The Eleventh House
The Eleventh House derives its meaning from the Tenth House

But while the Ninth House is concerned with the authority of concepts and ideas that are already respected by the world, the Eleventh House is concerned with authority of concepts and ideas that are proposed by you and the people with whom you identify.

The most obvious group of people with whom you identify are Your friends. In addition to the fun you have throwing and attending PARTIES together, being with your friends makes you feel good about who you are. The pressures of accomplishing Tenth House goals are made lighter by associating with people who appreciate us for who we are right now.

Sometimes, but not always, our friends are people who share goals with us or are themselves engaged in similar careers. But even when they are not close friends, we can still derive substantial benefit from forming Associations. All clubs and Unions of people with shared goals come under the roof of the Eleventh House. Of course, anyone who has ever belonged to a club or union knows that sometimes it's easy to forget that every member shares common goals. The petty differences that may arise are natural in a group of people with different HOPES and WISHES about the way common goals should be reached.

While the Tenth House authority figures are the Establishment and the Ninth House authorities are the fairly well established principles from which the Establishment tries to justify its authority, the Eleventh House symbolizes those individuals with ideas of their own who, singularly and/or in groups, are trying to perfect and circulate their Independent viewpoints one day become the authorities.

Those with independent viewpoints are usually viewed by the world as eccentrics and/or geniuses. The Eleventh House contains the same spirit of creativity symbolized by its opposite, the Fifth House, but in the Eleventh House this creativity is not expressed solely for its own sake, as in the arts, but becomes The spirit of invention harnessed for The good of the group.

Abstract thought becomes a necessary tool to be used when we desire to invent something. We must be able to envision something that has never existed before, and to do that we must re-examine what exists now as if we had never seen it before. This process results in Creative mutations that are only possible if we dare to focus our Fifth House imagination, and Dream of a Future yet to be. This represents Science in its purest form.

Astrology comes under the heading of Eleventh House matters. Through our knowledge of what energies are at work inside us and inside those people who are members of the associations we belong to, we may best accomplish our goals.

The Eleventh House is ruled by the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius.