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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that we affirm; statements we swear are true. Affirmations help us change our lives when we repeat them several times a day with faith and conviction. They act as both a reminder of the goals we are working towards as well as a way of reinforcing the changes we want to make in our unconscious mind. Using affirmations can be thought of as a powerful ritual or simply a way of remembering everything we are learning. Either way, a sincerely believed affirmation — if repeated several times a day, every day — can reach our unconscious mind and help us re-program our self-image.

If this sounds like wishful thinking, then consider this: You have used affirmations most of your life. However, the kind of affirmations most of us are in the habit of using are things like "I can’t do that," "S/he doesn’t like me," "I am a failure," "I am unattractive", "I am too fat (skinny). Losing (gaining) weight is hard - I can't lose (gain) any weight because...", "I don't have enough money, time, resources, patience, schooling, creativity, etc., to make things go my way." You get the picture — literally. Your unconscious mind gets the picture and uses its considerable power to insure that your will is carried out. It’s a bit like hypnosis, only it’s us hypnotizing ourselves!

It's not our brilliant flashes of inspiration or our passing passions that make our lives the way they are. It is our strongly felt beliefs, the ones we consciously and unconsciously dwell on every day, that help to create our reality. This is not New Age psycho-babble. It is easy to see how your strongly felt beliefs are naturally going to affect how you act and react in a variety of situations.

Your strongly felt beliefs will affect both the way you conduct yourself when speaking and how you respond to the statements of others, sending clear signals that can work for or, especially if you are unaware of them, against you. Strongly felt beliefs can cause you to interpret the information you receive about your world in ways that are biased by those beliefs, thereby causing communications problems and missed opportunities.

Your beliefs can cause you to see in the world, not things the way they really are, but that which you already believe to be true about it, thereby depriving you of a clear picture of things and the development of a world view that includes more than your limited, preconceived notions.

Fortunately, there is a way to overcome our limiting beliefs. We can replace negative affirmations with positive ones. Though most people limit themselves even further with the ultimate negative affirmation, "I cannot change myself and my life, that is just the way I am and that is just the way things are," you, by deciding to try Gifts of The Goddess Affirmation Cards, have shown yourself to be ready to improve your life by using the power of your mind, body, and spirit.

My wife, Amy Zerner, is the incredible artist who created the twelve fabric collage tapestry portraits of The Goddess which adorn your thirty-six Gifts of The Goddess Affirmation Cards. Amy is the most positive person I know and it shows in both her successful career and in the images of her more than five hundred wondrously beautiful National Endowment for the Arts award-winning fabric collage tapestries. I have learned much about how to be a positive person from her and one of the things I’ve learned is the power of affirmations, especially the affirmations contained herein. We have designed them to encompass all of life and to work on three levels — mind, body and spirit — to help you to replace your self-defeating habits with new habits that can help you attain your heart's desires.

Using affirmations is not like taking vitamins. You do not just take them and pop them into or, in this case, out of your mouth. The reason negative affirmations work is not just because we say them to ourselves over and over and over again, every waking hour of our every day. Negative affirmations work because we believe them without any doubt. Therefore, for the positive affirmations contained on our Gifts of The Goddess Affirmation Cards to work, you not only have to say them often every day, you have to believe them when you say them.

You have been caught in the trap of your old programmed negative affirmations, so you have to believe with every fiber of your being the affirmation you are saying when you say it. It is important to read and savor every word. You may feel like an actor at first, but soon you will be able to see the truth in what you are saying and your affirmations will work that much better.

Until you see the power of affirmations work in your own life, just try believing what you are saying for the few minutes you are using them, several times a day. After a while, these affirmations will become the new way your body, mind and spirit responds to the challenges of every day life. Here is how you should go about it:

Start by looking through the deck, feasting your eyes on Amy Zerner’s incredible tapestries and reading the various affirmations. You will find many that you instinctively agree with and which you already affirm in your own life. You will also find a few which you are instantly disturbed by, either because you believe they are unrealistic, impossible to achieve, or require you to admit that you have not been living up to your potential. This is as it should be. We all have areas of our lives we are working on. Just take a deep breath and give thanks to The Goddess that you are wise enough and strong enough to be working on yours.

What Amy and I like to do is, every morning, we shuffle the deck without looking at it and pick a card at random. We then say and repeat that affirmation until we feel that we believe it as much as we can. They we say it three more times, seeing in our minds eye the words sinking into our heart, our mind, and our whole body. We assume that whatever card has come up is what we need to work on that day.

We then put the card where we can see it during the day to remind us what we are working on that day. This can be on your mirror, desk, table, alter, refrigerator, etc.. It is a source of constant amazement to us how often the affirmation card we pick "randomly" strongly relates to the events of that particular day.

You can use your deck of Gifts of The Goddess Affirmation Cards either by yourself or with others whom you trust completely. No skeptics allowed. Focus on the main thing you would like to change about your life, then you can either look through the deck until you come to the affirmation that best relates to it, or you can pick a card at random and try to relate its meaning to your situation. It is a great way to expand your awareness of the intricate connections in our life between seemingly unrelated things.

When you are feeling out of sorts, you can shuffle and pick one card from the deck to affirm. You may be surprised how often it relates to what is making you feel out of sorts and even more surprised at how much better you feel after you have done your affirmation.

If you find that it is especially difficult for you to believe in one or more of the affirmations, that is a powerful sign that you have to really work hard on that aspect of your belief system. It may benefit you to read other books that Amy and I and other people have written about how changing your beliefs can help you change your life.

Please be patient with yourself and with our little cards. To completely undo the work of your deeply embedded and strongly believed negative affirmations it is necessary to actually replace them with positive affirmations. This takes time. You should repeat your affirmations whenever you want to, but especially when you catch yourself thinking thoughts that you know work against your best interests. With patient practice, you will create the new habit of thinking positively about yourself and your capabilities. It can help you change your life from where you are now to the life you have always dreamed of.

Whether you have been looking for your soul mate, respect, contentment, romance, fun, financial security, a job you love, self-esteem, and the best life possible for you, our Gifts of The Goddess Affirmation Cards can be an important part of your campaign to achieve your goals. If done regularly and with sincerity, you may soon be surprised at the changes you see starting to occur in your life. Enjoy!