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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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FREYJA's ritual
The Scandinavian/Germanic Goddess of Leadership

On a Friday, the day named for the Goddess FREYJA, you may invoke her leadership abilities by wearing a golden token. Choose a potent incense and light it. As it burns in its incense holder, take a moment to center yourself. Breathe in the pungent odor five times as you watch the smoke rise. Using yellow paper, cut out a five-pointed star and inscribe these words upon it: "Lead The Way". Repeat the following invocation five times:

Gracious Goddess lead the way
Guide and council me today.
Let me emulate your role
and lead us proudly to our goal.

Fasten the yellow star to your bathroom mirror where you will see it every day beside your image. Look up at the stars each night for at least five minutes. You will remember the part you are to play.

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