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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Freyja - Goddess of Leadership

(Sign of Leo)

FREYJA, a Scandinavian and Germanic expression of The Goddess, lived in a great sky-palace called the Folkvang. She was the twin sister of the God Frey and the wife of Odin, the ruler of Valhalla, the warrior's heaven.

Fully armed, she rode across the bloody battlefields accompanied by her band of Valkyries. These were maidens who could wear the plumage of swans at will and who followed the dramatic Goddess on flying horses, while grasping flaming spears. She carried some of the fallen warriors back with her to Valhalla and greeted others as they arrived, weapons in hand. In her large banqueting hall, they all dined in her company and drank freely of golden mead.

Once in her wanderings, FREYJA entered the land of Elves and there in a dark cave saw some dwarfs working at a fiery forge. They were making a beautiful necklace that shone like a rainbow and which The Goddess felt she must have. To obtain it, she spent one night with each of the dwarfs. The necklace, from whose light arose the morning star, seemed well worth it. FREYJA loved gold. When her will was thwarted her tears could turn to gold.

Sometimes she took the form of a bird and was even known to lend her "feathers" to others in need of flight. This gift may be an allusion to a flight of the Spirit. It was said that she sent the trance state from which knowledge and wisdom emerged to be used by humankind.

The most spectacular and flamboyant of The Goddesses, FREYJA will always be a part of drama and the theater.