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Ten of Pentacles

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The Dream  
A person's home is their castle, and this strong, firmly-based building with its turrets reaching towards the stars is built upon a foundation from the past and the work of others. A single pentacle shines protectively above, symbolizing that this dream is the culmination of the opportunities offered by the Ace of Pentacles. Precious jewels float through the very air surrounding the castle like crystalized dreams. The enduring castle walls surround one with a feeling of heritage and permanence. The gracious, formal figures below are ancestral and rich in family tradition. Wealth, inheritance and prosperity make for present security, but much is owed to the past and its values. It is up to the inheritor as to what traditions will be carried on. From this foundation will grow a sense of security with everything one needs to survive.

The Awakening  
The first rule of any plan that would succeed is "Make your base secure." This card, one of the most favorable in The Enchanted Tarot, is a sign to you that, if you have done this and not taken shortcuts, your success is assured. There is a strong circle of support around you. You are emerging into a world that holds the complete manifestation of all you want materially, with happiness included as well. Retirement is possible and all the good things of life are available. Make conservative investments for the future, but don't gamble. Do not dissipate this wealth or allow luxury to make you lazy.

The Enchantment  
Invite your family to dinner. Be sure that your menu contains at least one old family recipe. Say this grace: "I am thankful for all the protection, security, and tradition that my family has given me and for all the support that I have received from them. Blessings on this, my family." After dinner, tell each other stories from far back in your family's history.

Always perform our Enchantments in a safe manner. Use caution with scissors and all sharp objects. All candles and all fires should only be lit in well ventilated areas and in appropriately strong and fireproof metal or ceramic containers that are stable and have walls to prevent sparks from leaping out. Never leave a candle or fire burning unattended.

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