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Prince of Pentacles

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The Dream  
The Prince of Pentacles rides across his cultivated, fertile land. With his patient, persistent manner, he could probably coax as good a harvest from barren, stony land. Not possessed of great formal learning, he loves the land and all the things in Nature. He blows a golden horn to call his dogs to him after a day of hunting. He has spent a happy, beautiful time out-of-doors, where he feels more at home than when he is confined within the gray walls of his castle. A stable, reliable young man, he is well-liked because he works hard and is a good provider. He does not experience great sparks of imagination and is perhaps overly-occupied with material things. His good "money sense" is one of his strong points, but it can also be seen as being a somewhat miserly behavior. Close-mouthed and usually serious, he can sometimes surprise with robust, down-to-earth humor. He is slow to see another person's point of view if it does not match his own rather narrow and conventional one, but he will be reliable and helpful in practical matters.

The Awakening  
It is a time to be stubborn and trustworthy in order to achieve monetary success. Concentrate on the physical aspects of the situation. Being physical, goal-oriented, and competent can enable you to carry out your objective with steadfastness and endurance. Be aware that the appearance of the Prince of Pentacles in a reading may mean that a person with his qualities will soon be appearing in your life.

The Enchantment  
Close your eyes, breathe deeply and get comfortable. Imagine yourself walking through the woods. You come to a clearing. It holds a sense of power for you. Look around. Smell the earth. Let the earth's energy rise up through your body. Notice an object lying nearby. Pick it up and keep it. It will soon be of service. When you open your eyes, know that you can return to your power spot at any time to center yourself.

Always perform our Enchantments in a safe manner. Use caution with scissors and all sharp objects. All candles and all fires should only be lit in well ventilated areas and in appropriately strong and fireproof metal or ceramic containers that are stable and have walls to prevent sparks from leaping out. Never leave a candle or fire burning unattended.

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