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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte FarberTarot - Your Questions Answered
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The Three Level Spread

Now that you have been using One Card technique for a while and are familiar with all seventy-eight cards of THE ENCHANTED TAROT you are ready to learn The Three Level spread. The Three Level spread is able to give you a broader picture of a situation and can be useful for asking questions about the situations of people who are not physically present when you do the reading.

After you have prepared yourself and cleared the deck by shuffling it for a minute or so, visualize your question in your mind's eye and ask to be given your answer on three levels. Shuffle and cut as usual. When you pick the three cards that will describe the three levels of your answer, lay them down from left to right and then turn each one over.

The answer to your question about a situation can be given in terms of its Past, Present and Future conditions. When you select the first card, ask to be given a message describing the foundation of the matter; the conditions or circumstances that have led up to where you or the person you are asking about now find yourselves. When you select the second card, ask to be given a message describing the way things are presently going to be unfolding in the immediate future.

When you select the third card, ask to be given a message describing the outcome that will be born out of the conditions described by the second card you have picked for this spread.

If you find that the outcome is not one you consider to be a favorable one, you are advised to use the One Card technique to receive advice about how to obtain an outcome more to your liking.

QUESTION: I have been torn between having a child and pursuing my career. What will be the outcome of my deliberations in the next year?

Two of Swords
Six of Swords

The Two of Swords indicates that what has led to this point has been a desire on the part of the person asking this question to attain peace and balance in their life before making the decision about having a child. The fact that the image of the Moon, symbol of woman, nurturing and motherhood appears on this card is significant to this question.

The appearance of a Major Arcana card anywhere in a reading is a sign that that area of the reading is being highlighted as one of greatest importance. In this case, Judgement appears in the 'Present' position of the Three Level spread announcing that the time for a major decision about the necessity to think beyond our own individual life is approaching. It is always useful to read all the information on the page about each card - even the Enchantment — which in this case mentions the word 'reborn'.

The appearance of the Six of Swords in the 'Future' position of this reading indicates that a man and woman are moving away from mental turmoil regarding the subject inquired about and into the calmer waters of a resolution. The rainbow on the card is a hopeful sign of blessing. As with all interpretations, we should bring our feelings about the imagery on each card into our interpretation of their meanings. In this case, the happy bird on the card was perceived as an approaching spirit of new life and the outcome determined by this reading was perceived by the woman asking the question as one indicating that she would indeed be having a child in the next year.

Another way to interpret the Three Level reading is on the levels of Mind, Body and Spirit. This technique is especially useful in giving you information about the effect produced upon us and others by events of the past, present and future.

QUESTION: Tell me about the outcome of my forthcoming new job upon my mind, body and spirit.

Three of Pentacles
Two of Wands
Ace of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is an indication that this new job will create awareness of the value of work shared equally with a diligent partner and indicates that there will probably be such a partner found at the new job. There will be no pettiness or mean-spiritedness to interfere with the attention that must be paid to the job itself.

The Two of Wands in the 'Body' level of the answer offers further clarification of the Three of Pentacles in the 'Mind' position. It is an indication that the function of the person asking this question will be to mainly supervise the actual physical work involved and to concentrate on the proper distribution of the overall work load to the various people working on the project.

The Ace of Pentacles in the 'Spirit' position indicates that this job will bring a wonderful opportunity for spiritual renewal that might also filter down as a wonderful financial outcome as well.

Although there appear to be no problems in this answer you must always remember that it is the answer's effect upon the person who is asking the question that is the real answer to the question. Regarding this answer, a person who dislikes sharing their work with other people or is embarrassed by not doing physical work might find this a challenging answer.

Once you become familiar with the Three Level spread you may find it useful for asking for the clarification of the significance of a particular card occupying one of the various positions in the Celtic Cross spread. If a card's meaning relative to its position is unclear you can pick three more cards while asking for clarification and then reading it in terms of either the Past, Present and Future or Mind, Body and Spirit spreads. This will be explained further in the following instructions.

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