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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte FarberAstrology - Your Future Predicted
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The symbol shows the circle of Spirit above the cross of Matter. This symbol indicates that with Venus, spiritual values are more important than practical considerations. Furthermore, what is pictured is the attempt to unite the 'perfection of the Absolute' with the material world by imposing its laws and beauty, harmony and love, on all that is personally contacted. The glyph for Venus has come to symbolize 'Woman'.

Venus is the planet of romantic love, beauty and the arts that are associated with them. Sociable Venus rules over parties and pleasurable meetings. She accomplishes her goals by attracting only what she wants and rejecting the rest, thus making taste and values two of her special talents. Diplomacy, tact and gentleness are a few of the Arts that are ruled by Venus. In fact, Venus rules beautiful art in general; art that involves refined forms and designs because everything must achieve harmony before usefulness. The love and beauty of Venus has the power to both unite and heal us and a more desirable and powerful combination is difficult to imagine. Venus rules our senses of touch, taste and smell.

KEYWORDS: the feminine principle; attract; acquire; love; beautify; enhance; behave tastefully; socialize; be sociable; enjoy; value; form; discriminate; harmonize; unite; combine; refine; diplomacy; tact; gentleness; heal; be kind; make peace, love and art.

VENUS' MESSAGE: 'Love the good in all things and observe how all good things will be attracted to you.'

VENUS' WARNING: 'The beauty I seek is not merely that on the surface of things. What good is a beautiful fruit if it is rotten at the core?'

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