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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte FarberAstrology - Your Future Predicted
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The symbol shows the mental half of the crescent of Soul resting on the circle of Spirit which itself rests on the cross of Matter. It is as if the symbol for Venus, with all its power to love, beautify, desire and attract, has been crowned with a parabolic reflecting antenna (similar to that of the Moon). The symbol of Mercury suggests the ability not only to focus with pin-point accuracy on the particulars of what is mentally desired, but also to concentrate on and communicate those personal ideas to the Universe.

Called 'the winged messenger' in mythology, Mercury represents the Mind, the energy that enables our ego to receive and transmit facts, ideas and information. In the solar system, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and when its position is plotted against the backdrop of the zodiac in a personal horoscope, Mercury is in either the same sign as our Sun, one sign behind it or one sign ahead of it. This can be interpreted as symbolic of our Mind which is either involved with our current situation, thinking about the previous one or jumping ahead to the next. By concentrating on a subject one fact at a time, Mercury enables us to make reasoned connections between ideas and predictive calculations involving logical assumptions. When we become too obsessed with knowing the outcome of a situation ahead of its time, we tend to be prone to nervousness and worry. Mercury rules our hands, sight and our nervous system.

KEYWORDS: think; observe; study; analyze; discriminate; divide up into component parts; criticize; reason; logic; connect; adapt; move things about; spread; make by hand; craft; form; detail; predict; calculate; symbolize; translate; communicate; speak; write and read.

MERCURY'S MESSAGE: 'Use logical methods in all you do and say and you will not have to worry about wasting time and resources.'

MERCURY'S WARNING: 'Use the analytical power of your mind to improve,not just to tear apart what you feel is not 'perfect'.'

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