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The Seventh House

The Seventh House is defined by the First House
The degree of the First House cusp/Rising Sign/Ascendant not only tells us a lot about the 'native' of a natal chart/nativity/birth chart/sky/ horoscope (don't mind me, I'm just refreshing your memory) but it is exactly opposite to, and thereby defines, the degree of the Seventh House cusp (also known as the 'Descendant' because it is the point at which the planets descend below the horizon).

Your First House occupies the first slice of the pizza below your First House cusp/Rising Sign/Ascendant (sorry, I won't do it again) but counting the slices of pizza from one to seven reveals that your Seventh House occupies the slice of pizza above your Seventh House cusp.

Since the basic meaning of the First House cusp is YOU, the basic meaning of the Seventh House cusp is your opposite number, OTHERS. This can mean THE PUBLIC in general, YOUR BUSINESS PARTNERS and especially YOUR COMMITTED LOVER OR MARRIAGE PARTNER.

In a horoscope, the sign and planets in your Seventh House will say a lot about how you experience 'others' in general and, more specifically, how you experience the energies of the partnerships that might enter your life.

The Seventh House is ruled by the planet Venus and the sign Libra.

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