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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Temple of Incarnation ETHER

Rules: The world beyond our five senses, psychic phenomena, the dimension beyond time and space, pure energy as the basic component of matter.

Signs of the Zodiac: The synchronous, holographic universe underlying astrology and all of the mantic (prophetic) arts
Direction: Beyond time and space
Season: Anytime we have a peak experience
Time: Now
Sense: Our sixth sense

Welcome to the Temple of Ether, a realm that is most difficult to describe. It is beyond space, beyond time, and even beyond words. Ether is different to each of us; we each experience in a unique way the invisible realm. This is the way it is supposed to be. We each have a unique way of looking at the universe and have our own interpretation of the meaning of this life. It is our hope that using The Alchemist will help you clarify the meaning of your own life.

Ether is the realm of incarnation, the starting gate where we all emerge from pure energy to be born and go back to after our time is up. It is here that we choose our parents and make arrangements with other beings to meet up "down there" on Earth. Here, our thoughts, desires, and emotions can be materialized instantly. Once incarnated on Earth, the rules become different and much harder.

Ether is where our Higher Self resides. Far beyond the concerns of day-to-day living, our Higher Self exists beyond time and space. Some believe that our Higher Self may be in contact with our many incarnations throughout history: past, present, and future. That idea opens up a liberating and consciousness-expanding world of possibilities.

The aboriginal peoples of Australia, who call it "The Dreamtime," best understand this realm today. They are so in tune with it that they are said to be able to communicate with each other at vast distances and seem to know the intentions of many plants, animals, and even Mother Earth, Herself. They were not understood for many years to be the extremely spiritual people that they are. Their whole life is dedicated to living in harmony with the Earth and all their fellow creatures.

In the Temple of Ether, everything is connected to everything else. This is the basis for Carl Jung's Law of Synchronicity, which states that everything occurring at the same time has a relationship of significance, if not actual causality. This is how we can explain the accuracy of meditative divination systems like The Alchemist, the Tarot, and the I Ching, as well as astrology.

The Temple of Ether is a place to come to every once in a while--when you want to remember that you don't really know everything, or when you want to contemplate the mysteries of life. Here, in this realm beyond time and space, you come closest to realizing your Higher Self.

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