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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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The Temple of the Earthborn

Rules: The material world, practical matters, time, beginnings and endings, Mother Nature. Our bodies, health, money, career, possessions. Caves, structures, fields, gardens, crystals, metals, wood, solids.

Signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Time: Midnight
Sense: Touch

The cave that is the Temple of the Earthborn is deep inside the Earth, where no outside vibrations can reach. Use this Temple as a refuge from problems, where you can examine your situation without distraction and find the most practical course of action to take.

Not only does this Temple cancel out the vibrations of the outside world, it generates its own. Here lives the very pulse of life, symbolized in our bodies by the beating of our hearts. This is the underground grotto where Mother Earth resides, eternally watchful and nurturing all things that are born of the Earth. All things and life itself issue from the bounty of the Elements—the most basic of which were present since the formation of the universe. On this planet, all is created, fed and sustained by our Mother, the Earth.

Earth is the element of consistency, as evidenced in the turning of the Earth itself. We need to feel we can depend on such constancy in order to endure the uncertainties of daily life. In the most basic way, we depend on our bodies. Earth is the element of our bodies' basic functioning. In contrast, Fire animates our desires, Air guides our intellects, and Water carries our emotions. Our bodies have their own wisdom and a great part of healing is learning how to stay out of the body's way and allow healing to take place. However, the other side of our ability to make ourselves well is our ability to make ourselves ill.

When we become overly attached to achieving our desires, our thoughts and emotions can become obsessive, loading the body's communication pathways with stressful messages that express themselves as illness. Our bodies are alert for too long, prepared to do battle with an enemy that never comes, for the enemy is our state of mind.

Your visit to this temple of healing will do much to help you ground and calm yourself. Only when you are calm will you be able to reorient your priorities and come to the long-term decisions that will make your life better.

Earth is the element of practicality. Come here if you need to answer questions of a financial nature. Since Earth rules structure, it also rules mathematics and angles. It even rules the kind of "angles" we all play when we are involved in business negotiations. It is here also that material concerns are considered, including questions regarding the beginning and ending of things. The Temple of the Earthborn

The Temple of the Earthborn is the place to prepare yourself for questions regarding time and timing. When you ask for a formula to transform the situation you desire to improve, remember not to become too attached to the outcome of your answer. Attachment is one of the traps the material world sets for our spirit.

Just as the Earth endures to achieve her destiny, so must we all tap into her strength so that we can endure our own travails. When we stay grounded, when we are in harmony with the rhythms and cycles of nature and of our own life, we are aided by the flow of events. Remember your inseparable connection to the Earth. It gives you life.

When we struggle against things because they are not to our liking, or resist change because we fear the unknown, we cut ourselves off from our source of practical guidance. Some time spent in the Temple of the Earthborn can help purify each one of our purposes and make our paths clear.

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