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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte FarberTarot - Your Questions Answered
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Introduction to The Cards of the Enchated Tarot

The cards of The Enchanted Tarot tell an ancient story using beautiful pictures filled with love and wisdom. In this story telling ability they are descended from a time when only the privileged few could read. Like the cave paintings made by Neolithic tribes to teach their young the physical and spiritual attributes of local animals, The Enchanted Tarot has evolved from the ancient unbound, pasteboard 'books' of hand-painted cards used to teach the illiterate populations of India, China and, later, Europe, the life lessons learned by the wisest of their race. These lessons had long ago been incorporated into the earliest religions which projected them as various attributes and qualities, the knowledge of which was essential to lead a successful and harmonious life, onto the Goddesses and Gods who adorned their temples. Cards were a convenient method for transporting and preserving ancient traditions when religious pilgrimages, economic necessity, wars and natural disasters made distant and arduous travel essential.

And so the wisdom of The Enchanted Tarot has reached us despite the many years and the tens of thousands of miles. It has survived because its message of a cyclical, inter-related world was strong enough to overcome the rigors of travel through time as well as the repression, persecution and ridicule it has suffered at the hands of those whose linear, mechanistic view of life has made a world-wide ecological movement imperative.

The story of The Enchanted Tarot is a story of hope and faith born of the fact that the human spirit is eternally seeking to know itself and its power.

By meditating on the timeless truths embodied in the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana as well as the equally important lessons applicable to our everyday affairs embodied in the fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana, we can gain insight into the workings of the world and how to best harmonize our activities with it.

The cards of the Major Arcana are also known as 'Trump' cards, a derivative of the word 'triumph' and refers to the fact that the cards of the Major Arcana are above those of the Minor Arcana both in order of appearance and, more importantly, spiritually.

The cards of the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits of fourteen cards each called 'Wands', 'Swords', 'Hearts' and 'Pentacles' which are associated with the Four Elements of the ancient esoteric traditions, Fire, Air, Water and Earth respectively. There are four 'Royalty' or 'court' cards in each suit, a Princess, Prince, Queen and King, who are symbolic of personality types suitable to the element described by each particular suit. Their appearance in a reading is an indication that the qualities of personality represented by each court card is entering your life and is to be either cultivated or avoided, depending on how well the card's meaning applies to the situation and its position in the reading. Royalty cards sometimes indicate that a person whose appearance and temperament is predominantly of that particular element may soon appear in your life.

The suit of Wands corresponds to the element of Fire which is associated with action, passion, creativity, enterprise, faith, the season of Spring and the direction South.

The suit of Swords corresponds to the element of Air which is associated with ideas, communication, truth, justice, struggles, the season of Fall and the direction East.

The suit of Hearts corresponds to the element of Water which is associated with emotions, moods, dreams, fantasy, romance, the season of Summer and the direction West.

The suit of Pentacles corresponds to the element of Earth which is associated with material possessions, labor, values, security, the season of Winter and the direction North.

The colors that have been used in the various cards of The Enchanted Tarot have been consciously chosen because of their healing qualities relative to the meanings that are embodied in the cards and their respective elements.

The exact date of the first use of tarot cards for the purpose of divination is not known. The oldest surviving deck dates from the fifteenth century. But it is not hard to imagine the people who transported their pasteboard books of Goddesses and Gods devising ways of asking questions of them. Since ancient times it has been common to consult the oracles of various deities whose temples and shrines were legendary for dispensing advice and predictions about the conditions of ones life.

In The Enchanted Tarot you have a full compliment of seventy-eight oracles who await your sincere questions.

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