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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Monday June 13, 2011

An Awards Show for the Rest of Us

I must confess that even though I am a "sensitive New Age guy" and love everyone and understand that we're all just people dealing with the hands we've been dealt,  I absolutely abhor entertainment awards shows and wish the people taking part in them had the sense to realize how ridiculous these shows are and how off base and tone deaf are the "artists" who so assiduously act as if they neither care nor are in any way lowering themselves to compete for the awards they so desperately want. I can forgive these overpaid and over appreciated actors who a century ago were not welcome in any respectable boarding house. Their victory over the low esteem in which actors and acting was held back then is complete, more than complete. We live in an age where celebrity defines a race of people as surely as does wealth and cosmetic plastic surgery. Religion and ethnicity have taken a back seat, except when it comes to crime. But criminals have been giving their particular race and ethnicity a bad name since people became aware that there were other races and ethnicities. Even the damn criminals have awards shows, the FBI's ten most wanted being the most visible, but there are numerous TV shows dedicated to shocking and disgusting us with how devilishly inhuman supposedly human beings can be - it's astonishing.

But I digress, as I often do with my late night blogs. What about an awards show for the rest of us? As a psychic counselor and I am always amazed at how well people cope with their suffering. I suppose those who don't cope well are not able to come to me but suffer in silence, choosing to reside in their self-imposed prisons, actual institutions, or in their graves. Even more reason to have an award show for those who do cope, who get up in the morning sick of the whole thing starting again, but who keep fighting the good fight even though they suspect that they will never be more financially secure, that they will never find true love, that they will never get paid for using their creativity and inventive spirit, that they will never have their voice heard, that history will most likely forget them and their accomplishments, such as they are. Those are the people who deserve awards. And what about those who are suffering in mind or body? Those who live with the infirmities of age, or with the disability and chronic pain that can strike any of us at any time? The blind? The deaf? Those unable to walk or move? Those who care for them?

Every time I see a story about these awards shows or these reality shows or any of the other venues where the most vapid and argumentative people, who for some reason want to show off their wares on camera to a world that apparently can't get enough of this crap, I cannot help but think of the real people who also need to work and feed themselves and their families but are not willing to lower themselves to lowering the level of our culture, if you can call the reality show/award show society a culture. Yes, I know, it's all advertising and all advertising is good, right? Wrong. Look at the news. One can no longer say that watching TV or movies or video games or various things on the internet does not affect people, especially young people, especially young poor people, and especially young poor people with young poor parents.

I don't have to watch what I don't want to watch and so I don't, but I cannot help but see and feel the effects of watching crap on those who do elect to watch it. As a psychic I can see it in people's faces, especially when I visit New York and other cities. And the watching extends to the Internet, for sure. We see the effect of watching crap in the lack of civility in all discourse. If someone disagrees with you on the Web, the epithets start flying, moron, idiot, rethug, libtards, disgusting. If a person is really politically savvy, then they should know that "the powers that be" like nothing more than to have the masses fighting among themselves over the table scrap issues of race and crime and for the jobs that pay more than subsistence wages. Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the dictator's playbook because it works.

That is why Facebook is so nice because it is an oasis of peace and friends. You don't see the meanness there, it get's unfriended, right? How about an award show for best friends on Facebook? I'd like to thank my fellow friends, and then you start naming them and the orchestra plays you off. Or since it would be online, you could just post your friends list on the big screen scrolling at a fantastic rate of speed.

But I don't have my own page on Facebook and I cannot wait until someone mocks up a faux awards show for the rest of us. The funny thing is that as faux as it may be, it is the rest of us who deserve the awards. I think the celebs deserve a break from the grind of competition. And that is why I don't watch award shows.

May 22, 2011August 06, 2011
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