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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Friday May 23, 2014

What do you want to know?

The first thing I ask my clients is "What do you want to know?" I've trained myself to go out "there" & ask "them" for the answer. So many people, however, don't know what they want! How can anyone get what they want if they don't know what they want?

I also ask "What do you want to do?" Plans for action work best and need the least amount of major changes when they are built like a road to somewhere. I realize that to many people I am stating the obvious BUT if these people examine the most important yet unresolved issues in their lives and the goals they have been unable to attain it will become clear that it was clarity that was lacking in what they wanted and their plans to accomplish their goals.

IMHO the best way to trigger your innate psychic ability is to ask your question to the universe and relax as you do so, taking whatever images, feeling, words, memories, anything and everything that comes to you in a relaxed state after you've asked your question as something to examine for the possibility of it being the answer to your question. You have to start somewhere on your path to a powerful, useful intuitive ability - we all have it as a God/dess given gift - and this is the best way to start I know of, though I haven't put it into a book (yet!) It's my gift to you tonight, dedicated to all of the men, women & children who have died in service to my country, the United States of America, so that I could grow up in a relatively peaceful interlude in our nations history and be free to not only know what I want but to figure out what I wanted to do and do it.

Memorial Day was originally a day to commemorate all who died in the Civil Wat, Confederate and Union, and was originally called Decoration Day because the graves of the fallen soldiers were decorated by grateful people. I'm not one to disparage what Decoration Day/Memorial Day has become because you can be certain that every single soldier who has died for America would have loved to have one more holiday with family and friends and barbecue and liquid refreshments. In fact, they loved America so much that they were willing to die fighting for the America that they knew they wanted to make and be a part of. I love my life and I know I have more than my parents, relatives, teachers and other caregivers to thank for it. I could not have done it without them and they did what they did for me and you.

So, what do you want to know? What do you want to do? We, who have the gift of life and freedom to do our best and the inalienable rights granted to us by the US Constitution have the right and the obligation to add our strengths and our intuitions and our wisdom and our good works to making the world a better place for those who follow.



May 17, 2014May 27, 2014
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