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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Friday June 06, 2014

It's Mercury Retrograde Again!

Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on June 7th until July 1st. It goes retrograde 3-4 times a year, several weeks each time. It makes for miscommunications, missed appointments and lost notes, etc.

It is good to double-check everything during this time. (It goes "direct" July 1st, but things don't straighten out til July 16th, as there is a "shadow" period).

Not everyone feels the effects of Mercury retrograde. Those born with Mercury retrograde in their natal astrology chart, for example, may not notice the effects described above.

Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth & travel, so when the planet goes retrograde — which means that it looks like it’s going backwards in the sky — all those things go backwards.
  •  Be sure not to take things too personally. People will often say offensive things they didn’t mean around this time, because their thinking is clouded & their communication skills are out of sync.
  • Back up your data! Mercury retrograde particularly affects computers, phones and technology.
  • Of course, life doesn’t stop just because of Mercury Retrograde, so if you absolutely have to purchase a costly item, computer or iPhone, re-check all the paperwork, & make sure you have a warranty.
  •  Don't take things too personally. Remember, everyone is a bit confused and stressed during Mercury Retrograde, and people are much more inclined to change their mind once Mercury goes direct.
  • Read the small print on any contracts. Ask lots of questions. Double check and check again.
  •  Finish things you started a while ago. Re-organize. This is an excellent time to tie up loose ends & file things away.
  •  Double-check any information you’re given, especially as relates to travel.  Check times, delays, baggage allowances, reservations, all arrangements.

Watch my video that explains why you shouldn't be afraid of the "Mercury Retrograde"


May 31, 2014September 05, 2014
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