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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Saturday November 08, 2014

A message to those who've lost a loved one

It pains Amy and me to know from first hand experience what you are unavoidably going through if you have lost a loved one- things will never be the same and don't expect them to be.

One never really gets over the loss of a loved one, we just try to learn to live with our loss. We send you our most sincere wishes and prayers for you to go through this time to the kind of peace that does eventually come with even a loss so great and we also pray that you will remember the kindness you and your loved one shared with each other and not beat yourself up too much regarding what should and shouldn't have been done by you and the dearly departed. Feelings like that are yet another inevitable right of passage for we who are living with the loss of a loved one.

Treasure the time you've had to spend with your departed loved one and treasure the time together that you have to spend with those still on this side of the veil of life. Please be kind to yourself. If you were not with your loved one when they made their transition, please don't feel badly about that. Ask any hospice worker and they will tell you that beings make their transition at their own time and with those they've chosen to be there when they leave their body.

The first question I'm usually asked by someone interested in contacting someone on the other side is "I want to know if they're OK." In my experience as a psychic medium, those who were kind and thoughtful and loving are just fine once they've made their transition, some are even more at home in the space where they can do many amazing things to help those they love who are still alive, so don't worry about that. The only thing that makes them sad is "seeing" that we are sad. Of course, you're going to be quite sad until you've processed your loss and that takes time.

There's a homeopathic remedy (Ignatia) that really helped Amy and me to stop feeling like our life was over when we lost her dear mother, house mate and artistic collaborator, the master artist Jessie Spicer Zerner (whom I consider my psychic guide), the event that moved me into becoming a psychic medium for us and then others back in 1996. I am not a homeopathic doctor nor do I think any medicine or vitamin is for everyone, so consult a homeopath if that interests you.

And be on the lookout for the gift that your loved one is going to give you from her or his new vantage point - it never fails in our experience that when a loved one passes over we receive a gift of some kind that could only have been thought up by them. Could this be our imagination and desire to stay close deluding us? Possibly, but it certainly doesn't look that way to us, especially since I've been able to have some mighty interesting "conversations" with those passed over.

I speak with the dead, yet I still miss my loved ones more than I can say. Knowing that they are still around and that I may one day be with them again is comforting, but it doesn't really change the fact that I miss them.

Wishing you love, light and eventually laughter.


October 27, 2014November 25, 2014
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