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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Tuesday March 17, 2015


You can expect prophetic dreams and/or intuitions today and tomorrow, and the subject is "escape," as the planet Mercury aligns with Neptune on the 8th degree of Pisces, the astrology sign "ruled" by Neptune; Neptune's essential meaning and that of the sign Pisces are complementary to each other, Pisces is Neptune's home town.

Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and will be there for another ten years approximately. It is the second slowest moving planet and takes 165 years to circle the Sun. IMHO Neptune in it's home sign is a BIG DEAL and is responsible for a great deal of the anxiety in the world at a time when we should be dancing in the streets with joy at the many wonderful things going on, technology? Sure, but so much more than that.

Neptune is, to me, the reason that so many people appear to be getting more ignorant as they learn more and more facts, choosing to ignore what they don't like or, more to the point, what frightens them, what makes them feel like nothing is solid, that everything they thought was permanent and necessary is dissolving like sand under your feet as you stand at the edge of the ocean, ruled by Neptune & his Trident.

Neptune & Pisces rule a lot of different things but put them together like this and their combined main theme is ESCAPE. The escape most astrologers associate with them is alcohol, drugs, addictions of all kinds and that is true and incredibly powerful. I often think the countries of the world appear to be run by drunken or otherwise addicted madmen - power is a heady escape from feeling ordinary and powerless - and I'll bet we'd all want to escape even more if we knew how true that is.

While The Truth Shall Set You Free, it will also scare the shit out of you more times than not, and the freedom promised only comes when you can deal with the fears knowing the truth brings up in you. This is why I believe otherwise intelligent people are refusing to connect the dots, they are escaping from the fear of what they see is true but don't feel that they can do anything about.

The news certainly doesn't help, it doesn't make you stronger. Even the shows I listen to and the words I read, NONE of them tell you what you can do about practically anything. It's no wonder that all the marvels and all the marbles (money, power, couldn't resist!) are being harnessed to help people escape.

Streaming video services are allowing us to binge watch and escape into the best entertainment that has been recorded. We get to see in a night what took months and months to write, produce and edit. Neptune rules films and gases, so it rules video, too, because it rules illusion, magic tricks all the way up to the illusion created by our minds that anything is permanent and solid and will be there forever.

Celebrity, tabloids, intellectuals, famous people of all stripes, all these and more allow their fanboys and fangirls to escape into the lives of people who they admire and, all too often, think are more than human. I am convinced that Neptune in Pisces is the only explanation for the rise and persistent success of the Kardashians. It is a scary thought to think that they'll be famous for being famous until 2025!

Facebook, itself, is a prime example of escape, though it can obviously be used by dedicated populist writers like me to get important (to me!) ideas out. But there's also a lot of escape going on. And why not? The economy for most people is very, very, very bad, despite the lies promulgated by the government and the government media complex. When I was growing up in the 1960's you would have been considered an idiot and shunned like you had the plague if you said you believed what the president and the government were telling us. When did that change and why?

Escape has a lot of meanings but one of them is to avoid and so when the world is a more dangerous and scary place than it has ever been, when small groups of dedicated people, like the one's Margaret Meade extolled as great and powerful, are working to destroy our way of life, then it's no wonder that so many people want to believe those who are in powerful positions are doing the best job possible to keep us safe and secure. I'm concerned that this is not the case.

The good news, and there is always good news, is the escape can also mean ESCAPE, like we escaped from the clutches of those trying to harm us, from man made disasters, and from our own self-destructive tendencies. This can happen if everyone keeps their preferred escape methods in perspective and uses them in moderation but only to recoup a bit from hunting for and doing something about the truth of the world we live in today. 


March 10, 2015March 21, 2015
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