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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Wednesday September 09, 2015


This is a hard post to write so first the good news: Thanks to Neptune being in Pisces, it is no longer odd to admit you have intuition and use it to guide you, in conjunction with your logical mind, of course. Like so much today, this has not always been the case.

I have said it before and I'm afraid I'll be saying it until the day I die but WE ARE STILL COMING OUT OF THE DARK AGES! It's the 21st Century but it sure seems like this would be big news to the majority of the six or so billion human beings on planet Earth. It's not that they are throwbacks to a distant, more brutal and incredibly repressive time; they've never left it.

The USA and the European Union are the hope filled stirrings of the Age of Aquarius and it's support for the individual. The communist failed states are the negative Aquarian mistakes that we must avoid repeating. They failed to take basic human nature into account. And the religious fundamentalists around the world, especially in the Middle East with its ruthless brutality and insane hatreds, is the Age of Pisces lashing out in its death throes trying to take everyone down with it.

So what can we do about it? Not much, other than to withhold our support for anyone who supports those who brutalize people, repress people, kill people and prevent people from living up to their true potential, and urge our feckless "leaders" to actually lead and destroy these subhuman creatures who are beheading, raping, crucifying, enslaving men, women and children while we post pictures of our cats, dogs and latest meal. And navel gaze about astrology, as I am doing now.

I feel so powerless and inadequate and uncivilized in the face of the inhuman beings that I read about and want to destroy with extreme prejudice. When I was a child I couldn't imagine how Hitler rose to power and how the Holocaust was allowed to happen. Now I know. It is emotionally draining and I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way. This is amplified by the Jupiter Neptune opposition that I've been writing about lately.

A big part of living up to our true potential is knowing that we have an intuitive voice speaking to us all the time, a quieter voice than our stream of our consciousness, think of it as our underground stream of the unconscious.

Bubbling below the surface of this post is my recent fascination with the differences and similarities between the signs of Virgo, where the planet Jupiter is going to reside for about a year, and the sign Pisces, where it's ruling planet Neptune has been since 2012 and where it will be until 2025. I don't know if ISIL started in 2012 but Neptune in Pisces certainly seems to have its Dark Side.

I've come to realize that both Virgo and Pisces concern themselves with assimilation. Virgo is all about the assimilation of nutrients by our body from the food we eat and Pisces is all about the assimilation of the individual into the body of Christ, religion in general, large institutions like government, the military, large corporations or mass movements.

It is no accident that the Dark Ages conflict that afflicts the Middle East has led to a Dark Ages mass migration of refugees from that conflict that is colliding head on with the Modern Age nations being invaded by these refugees. If you think "invade" is too harsh a word then you haven't read what is really going on regarding this sorrowful affair.

The Jupiter/Virgo opposite Neptune/Pisces energy is the ultimate Throwback Thursday, a whole Millenium's worth, back to the Age of Pisces that ended when the Age of Aquarius began, a time I believe corresponds to the introduction of the personal computer into widespread use.

But the Age of Pisces started around the time of Christ and we know how that turned out. A great idea, love your neighbor, became an empire unto itself dripping in gold and jewels and power. The feeling caring of Pisces love thy neighbor was opposed by Virgo's small business ethic for organization and produced The Church in all of its lets put asses in the pews and money in the collection box forms around the world.

The Christian church's success and power produced a shift load of envy that led to another religion using that successful model, but reintroducing violence to take advantage of the weakness message of the previous religions to try and supplant them and take home all the marble halled churches and synagogues, many of which were, themselves, built on the sites of ancient pagan holy places. This time has come roaring back into the consciousness of modern day Aquarian age people like you and me because the Pisces Age is not about to go gently into the night, not by a long shot.

Pisces feels very concerned about the problems of the world and considers it a duty to make the world a better place. Virgo is more concerned about it's own personal problems and wants to use analysis and criticism to make their world and the world of those they care about a better place. Both signs can be easily led and often fooled by those who present a convincing case that they can show them how to make the world they care about better. They are fooled because they refuse to take basic human nature into account, i.e., that people will do what is best for themselves. Both Pisces and Virgo people are idealists and ideals are goals, not realities, because people are human and human beings are imperfect machines, no matter how idealistic they are.

It is one thing to want to feel like one is on the side of the angels in all things, as Pisces does, but when this goes against practicality and logic, Virgo matters, it is revealed as essentially suicidal in nature, going against one's own self interest. I wish I could say that the Aquarian age will be ushered in on angels wings but I fear that the Dark Age Piscean Age dwellers will have to be defeated the old fashioned way.

If there's one thing the USA is good at its blowing stuff up and killing bad guys. I look forward to President Obama and the rest of the Western leaders getting off their collective behinds and wiping ISIL off the face of the Earth, which they could do if they wanted to. The way it seems now, it is as if they want to facilitate the invasion of Europe by refugees from Syria and Afghanistan and Africa and the invasion of other nations by economic refugees from other nations. I'm afraid the Dark Ages still have a bit more life in them.


July 06, 2015October 21, 2015
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