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Capricorn The Goat

Capricorn Astrological Symbol: A goat with the tail of a fish
December 22 to January 20

The day the Sun entered the sign of Capricorn marked the time of the winter solstice, the shortest, bleakest day of the year. But the next day, the Sun began its northward climb and with each succeeding midday sky it moved towards the rebirth of spring. Capricorn represents the crystallization of a dream (the fish's tail) into a real, tangible thing by the application of hard work (the climbing goat) built on structure (the mountain). Our ancestors knew that they could get through the deprivations of winter only by being disciplined and conservative in the truest sense of the word.

Capricorn rules crystallization (like snow flakes) and all that is apparently solid and permanent in this world of change. It rules the conservative, disciplined climb to the top (keeping our passions in check). The parts of the body ruled by Capricorn are bones, teeth, skin and nails because they are solid structures which keep us together and also the knees because they must be rigid to hold us erect. People born during the time of Capricorn function best when they can apply a dedicated, focused approach to the achievement of a goal whose value is recognized by society.

The Challenge of Being a Capricorn
A mountain goat with a fish's tail symbolizes Capricorn. A curious symbol, to be sure, but yet it perfectly represents the dual nature of those born during the time of Capricorn. The mountain goat is tireless as it makes its way to the tops of mountain after mountain. Most Capricorns are equally tireless in their efforts to get to the top of their respective professions. Most people might think that Capricorns desire above all to attain the respect of the masses. It is more accurate to say that they crave the respect of those that they, themselves, respect. This is as important to them as living in wealth and style, yet another way they gain the respect of the in crowd.

To get to the top, Capricorns are willing to do what is expected of them. This gets them the reputation of being conservative, when deep inside, they are quite sensual. They are conservative in the best sense of the word. You conserve what you have so that you will have enough when you need it. This is true practicality. Capricorns make wonderful executives. In fact, it is difficult for them to show their true worth until they are left alone to assume some kind of definite responsibility. Once they feel this weight resting on their shoulders they will rise to the occasion, succeeding where others would give up. Once they realize that it is up to them to make something of themselves, they display a kind of energy that can overcome almost any obstacle.

Remember the fish's tail that the Capricorn mountain goat is dragging behind him? The ancients use the element water to symbolize emotion and the tail is used by fish to propel and steer themselves in their watery world. Capricorn people have very deep and real emotional needs that can slow them down considerably or even stop them in their tracks.

The lesson for Capricorns centers on the important reason why their life does not provide them with as many opportunities to enjoy success, wealth, and happiness, as they would like. They have come into this world with the astrological sign Capricorn because they want to learn the best way to achieve success, wealth, and happiness. They know in their hearts that there are actual techniques they need to learn and lessons they need to apply in their lives before they can attain their full potential.

Their awareness of how far they have to go to achieve the respect they crave can sometimes get to them and make them pessimistic or, less often, depressed. This tendency actually comes not from the realization of how far they have to go, but from the fact that they will rarely allow themselves to become inspired and energized by what they have already accomplished. Though they may not see it as well as those around them, they have, from a young age, already accomplished many things that would be sufficient to delight those who are not Capricorns. Further contributing to their tendency towards depression are the pressures caused by their desire to maintain a prosperous appearance, keeping pace with both fashion and tradition, while at the same time living in luxury and ease and, in some way, above the level of the masses whose praises they seek.

When Capricorns start on the road to success, their persistence and ability to focus on a goal enables them to succeed and to become authority figures in their chosen field. If they can do what has to be done and maintain a sense of humor to help them get through the difficult times, they are unstoppable.

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