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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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Temple of Dreams AIR

Rules: Associative thinking, ideas, thoughts, dreams, knowledge, theories. The sky, the wind, breath. The gaseous state of all things.

Signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Direction: East
Season: Spring
Time: Dawn
Sense: Smell

Welcome to the Temple of Air. When you need to look at things in a new way or to get a new idea, this is the place to come for inspiration. The Temple of Air allows you to rise above the situation, to see it clearly or to begin to visualize a future outcome. Here you will gain a broader perspective: one that allows you to see all the factors involved. It is the place to come when you must judge the relative value of two or more options available to you.

The Temple of Air connects us with the realm of ideas and dreams. We seem to be much more in control of our ideas than we are of our dreams, but is this really true? In dreams, the immense power of the subconscious mind is filtered down to us in the form of rich symbolism, which we are challenged to penetrate upon awakening. Often we can associate the symbolism of a dream with a situation in our life and gain remarkable insights; sometimes, even a glimpse of our future.

Our ability to associate goes beyond interpreting dreams. Thoughts and ideas are also associative. Our intellect and our thoughts are influenced by the relative values we place upon the various potential outcomes we can visualize "in our mind's eye." Thoughts and ideas hold sway over us, can manipulate our behavior, and can be as subjective as a dream. Thus, our dreams and our ideas are more similar means of associating all aspects of our existence than we first imagined.

Your personality—that idea of self which holds personal ideas and dreams together—is connected to the material world. But another state of mind is available to those who want to contact the realm of Air in its purest form: the state of meditation. Meditation allows us to contact what many call our "Higher Self". This is the place of the neutral mind: the healing place. Meditation is the perfect state to be in when you ask a question that requires a higher perspective.

The meditative state blends dream consciousness with our waking mind, but it is far beyond them both. The art of meditation is difficult at first because our mind, like a monkey in the treetops, seems beyond our control. Our thoughts give us no respite from their ceaseless play.

To reach the proper mental state for meditation, it is necessary to use one technique to still your thoughts along with another technique to keep you from entering dream consciousness. Sitting erect not only keeps you from dreaming but science confirms it is only way to ensure that all the parts of your brain are functioning and aware. There are many different techniques for calming your thoughts but they all involve the conscious control of your breath.

Once we somewhat still our minds, we can gain knowledge in an even more direct fashion than we can from our ideas or our dreams: through a communication with the source. This knowledge comes from a place beyond our control; it cannot be influenced.

Once you are in a meditative state, leave all limitations outside of this temple's sacred borders. In this spacious place dwell concepts representing everything from tiny sub-atomic particles to the greatest infinity. Every idea that will ever be conceived is available here. Place no limits on your thinking if you wish to fly as high and as far as you can. The gentle, loving guidance of your Higher Self will never fail you if you ask your question with humility and an open mind.

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