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Two of Swords

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The Dream  
The clouds are parting in the night sky and a figure approaches bearing a white feather as a flag of truce. One of her feet is poised on a the central petal of the flower below her--a point upon which she may balance, but only for a moment. She is taking a brief respite before the clouds roll in again. She has come to this sacred place, now that conflict has abated, to reflect upon what has happened. Peace has been restored but some tension remains between the two upthrust swords. Will there be a stalemate or a new balance? A mild breeze seems to be blowing away all sense of recent confrontation, parting both clouds and swords. The gentle figure appears diplomatic, without a trace of judgment. The moon, symbol of the goddess who cares for all, watches peacefully overhead. Although reaching such equilibrium can be difficult, harmony can be achieved by calming and stilling the mind, leaving time and space for mature consideration.

The Awakening  
Although you must be on guard to prevent time spent in contemplation from being a period of stalemate or procrastination, this is a time for considering the viewpoints held by others. Compromise is at the heart of diplomacy, and through diplomacy much may be won that cannot be gained through aggression. Though you may not possess all the pieces of the puzzle, for the time being let things stand as they are.

The Enchantment  
Repeat these phrases as often as necessary when you lack direction or feel that injustice has been done you: "I have faith that balance will be restored and that my answer will come when I am ready. I am at peace with myself. There is no need to struggle now. Justice will be done in its own time."

Always perform our Enchantments in a safe manner. Use caution with scissors and all sharp objects. All candles and all fires should only be lit in well ventilated areas and in appropriately strong and fireproof metal or ceramic containers that are stable and have walls to prevent sparks from leaping out. Never leave a candle or fire burning unattended.

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